The beginning of October marks the start of a busy end-of-year for ProteoFormiX. Read more on the conferences and events in which we will be partaking.
Oct. 4-5: Attending the HealthTech Innovation Days in Paris (FR) live

The HealthTech Innovation Days demonstrate that access to innovative care for all depends on the right funding and partnership in-between actors in health and finance. This event organized by HealthTech For Care, an endowment fund launched by France Biotech, and co-organised with EIT Health, and in collaboration with BIO Deutschland, BioWin ,CEBR,,LifeSci, Irefi, Assobiotec, P-Bio, SwissBiotech & Sweden Bio will accelerate patient access to healthcare solutions and contribute to building a stronger ecosystem.
Discover the list of all participating healthcare companies here:
Oct. 12-13: Presenting at the virtual OurCon 2021 conference in Sheffield (UK)

This years Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society’s eighth international conference, OurCon2021, will be delivered as a live online event from the studios of Technative live in the city of Sheffield, UK. The theme of OurCon2021 is “Mass Spectrometry Imaging — a mature technology?”
The aims are:
to examine the fields in which MSI is an established technology and why this has occurred.
to discover new areas in which MSI should be an important technology
to establish what technical developments are required to broaden MSI into these new areas and hence produce a roadmap document for future developments in MSI over the next ten years.
ProteoFormiX will present its Homo sapiens FFPE Tissue Atlas project.
Oct. 22: Attending the 3rd CRIG industrial partnering event in Ghent (BE)

Autumn 2021 will sign the 5th year since the Cancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG) kicked off in 2016. Following the success of its first 2 editions (in 2017 and 2019), the Cancer Research Institute Ghent will hold the 3rd CRIG industrial partnering event on Friday 22nd October 2021. As for the previous editions, the aim of the CRIG industrial partnering event is to create a forum for academia and industry to present and discuss current break-through research, and clinical and industrial innovations in the field of cancer research and treatment. The final goal is to bring innovations faster to the cancer patients.
ProteoFormix will be delivering a scientific pitch on site.
Oct. 30-Nov. 4: Attending the 96th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics in Philadelphia (US) live

ProteoFormiX will give an oral presentation at ASMS2021. Read more on the project we will be presenting here.
Oct. 21: Presenting ProteoFormiX Top-down Mass Spec Histochemistry on clinical FFPE tissues for Biomedical Applications at PathProt-13, Gulbenkian Institute for Science at Oeiras, Portugal.
Dec. 01-04: 33rd International Tandem MS Workshop at Lake Louise (CAN).
ProteoFormiX is to be chairing a session and presenting a poster [Mass Spectrometry HistoChemistry for single cell peptidomics in Homo sapiens FFPE biobanks].
Dec. 10-14: 36th Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry on "The role of mass spectrometry in neurodegenerative disease research" at Asilomar (USA)
ProteoFormiX is to give an oral presentation [Mass spectrometry histochemistry: A direct route to relevant molecular biomarker discovery from histopathologically documented human FFPE material representing neurodegenerative diseases].
Images via HealthTech Innovation Days, OurCon, CRIG, ASMS and Calendar vector created by vectorjuice.